Here are top 5 reasons to chart your menstrual cycle and fertility signs using pen-to-paper (Menstrual Calendar Journal):
Better for Learning
Research* shows that people learn best when...
I originally wrote this post in 2016, and titled it:
Drink Fire Cider So You Can Use Your "Sick Days" For Some Fun Instead
When I worked full-time for a company with very limited sick and vacation...
Whatever PMS symptoms I’m feeling, emotionally and physically, can usually directly be tied back to how my month went.
Little to no PMS symptoms means I took really good care of myself the...
I know, I know! I’ve said before how much I love Vitex-- a beautiful, potent medicinal plant. And yet.
Similarly to how Western medicine recommends “the pill” for all...
Red Raspberry Leaf and nectarine iced tea in the making!
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) tastes gently sweet and earthy, and is a uterine and pelvic tonic. The way I’ve made it here...