
5 Perks of Pen-to-Paper Menstrual Cycle Charting (That You Just Can't Get From an App) circular calendar fertility awareness natural birth control symptothermal trying to conceive women's health

Here are top 5 reasons to chart your menstrual cycle and fertility signs using pen-to-paper (Menstrual Calendar Journal):

Better for Learning


Research* shows that people learn best when writing, ...

Why I don't Recommend Most Period Tracking Apps for Contraception birth control female reproductive system fertility awareness natural birth control symptothermal

FemTech is booming but has body literacy increased?

I’ll cut to the chase, my professional opinion is no. Body literacy has not increased with the emergence of FemTech.

If women exchange hormonal co...

How to feel confident with your birth control options birth control fertility awareness natural birth control symptothermal

Opinion: Fertility Awareness is Not Taught in Schools or By Doctors for These Reasons fertility awareness op-ed symptothermal

Fertility Awareness is the practice of having self awareness surrounding your own fertility. The degree to which someone uses fertility awareness for health and wellness varies from person to person, ...

Benefits of confirming ovulation yourself each cycle fertility awareness ovulation symptothermal

Ovulation always comes first. You can not have a true menstrual period without having ovulated. Confirming ovulation yourself each cycle is the only way to know for sure if you had / are having ovulat...